Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wooden carved sword holder

I made this sword holder many years ago but thought I would
share it on here. It took awhile to carve it but I think it turned
out pretty good. The sword is the Dragonslayer. It's baddddd....

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Boar carved in wood.

Brother Steve working on a sample carving of a boar before
he begins making his wooden bench.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Watts Chapel Compton U.K.

The Watts Chapel in Compton England. Mary Watts (1849-1938)
created a stunning structure filled with paintings and sculptures with
Celtic, Art Nouveau, and Egyptian influences.

See Link below for a short video of the chapel.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Red Hawk feather

I have two hawks that are in my neck of the woods in the
summer who set up a nest not far from the house. One afternoon
while cutting the grass with a push mover I made my cut down
the lawn. When I turned around here was this magnifcant
hawk feather sticking right up in the grass like someone put it
there. I looked up but did not see the bird but I knew he
must have been around. Here is my attempt at painting that
feather in watercolor. I threw in a few acorns as well.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Song of the Lonely Mountain

To all of you Tolkien fans out there. I could not resist posting a
link to the song from "The Hobbit" The dwarfs are singing about
their mountain and their treasures stolen from them by the dragon
SMAUG! It makes my hair stand up....
Click on link below to here the song.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Celtic Wheelhouse

Found a interesting site that shows how to build
a round house. Awesome carved doorway and
interesting celtic tile work around the fireplace.
Check it out with the link below.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Handmade celtic backpack frame

My brother Steve made and carved the knotwork into
this oak backpack frame.

Hand sewn and carved celtic backpack
and frame

Deerhide hanging with painted knotwork

Knotwork painted on deer hide hanging from hickory stick with
metal celtic buttons that my brother and I have made.

Portable camp kitchen

This is a portable camp kitchen that my older brother
Steve made and I painted. We go to events called
Primitive Rendenzvous where the mountain man era is
re-created but we like to bring along our celtic influences
with us. I will post more pics of this event in the future.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Ancient memories?

There is a spiritual intelligence within our cells that holds
memory and wisdom. Cells that already know and
understand their ancient past and their tie to the holy
tapestry of earth and spirt.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Celts and Romans tossing valuables in a river

Why did Romans, Celts, and even prehistoric settlers submerge their personal belongings, from swords to dishes, in a shallow river in Slovenia?

Click on this link to see one mans efforts to save these items.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

William Lloyd fine art & custom knifemaker

The following art work was created by William Lloyd of Lloyd Studios
in Silver City, NM.
If anyone is interested in contacting William his web address is,
I took these pictures at the Maryland Renaissance Festival
where Mr. Lloyd has a pavilion displaying his creations.

Brother Art with ax

The Blog

This Blog is meant to a be fun place where my two brothers and I can post
anything Celtic that comes across our paths.
I am going to share photos of our art work and things we are making,
also any web sites and information that we find interesting and would
like to pass it on. There are tons of books and some incredible Celtic
artists out there as well, be it in music or actual painters and crafts people.
Hope you enjoy and will follow.


Monday, November 12, 2012