Sunday, April 14, 2013

Pictish Art


The Picts were a group of people living in the ancient eastern and northern
area of Scotland in the fourth century.
It is generally accepted that the Picts were not, as once believed a new race,
but were simply the decedents of the already established Iron Age people of 
northern Scotland.
The uncertainty that surrounds the Picts is simply because they left no written
records as seems to be the case for ancient civilizations in the area.
We have no clear vision of how they lived and what there religion consisted of
and general information about there society. All we know of them is from
second hand evidence that has been written from others and their impressions
of the wild Pictish people.
My intent here is not to go into their history but to celebrate their incredible
pieces of art that they left behind in the form of stone, metal, jewelry and small 
objects of rock and bone. As a artist I often imagine that in each tribe there must 
have been a few who were the artisans, who recorded their inspirations and things 
of beauty for their king and members of his group and also to please their creative 
instincts for themselves. What we have of their work stands today. I can imagine the
hundreds of objects and monoliths which did not make thorough the centuries of
time. The large stones which crumbled from wear and tear would vanish away
but perhaps other objects lay waiting to be found in the earth, perhaps in the future.
Like all civilizations they came and went. Lets enjoy what they have left us.

The following are published books on
the Picts and their art.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Years ago, I can't remember how many, the Celtic bug struck me.
It was like a light turning on in my head saying....Hell Yeah! This
strikes home....This is important to you. All the music and art
and festivals and everything Celtic came into view.
My older brother Steve felt the same way. He
has the bug also. It could be the Irish, Scottish, Welsh and German
blood we have in our veins. Yes I suppose it is. 

The Book of Kells I do believe were the first pictures I saw of
knotwork.  A noble lord of the 13th century said of The
Book of Kells, "The work not of men but of angels" Anyone
who has seen it can attest to that. There is something appealing
about knotwork to me. I can't put my finger on it but it feels 
like a old friend when ever I see it, be it in sculpture or paintings
or graphics or even in nature.The following are photos of amazing
trees with interesting almost knotwork like roots systems.Check
them out.

What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in
 comparison to what lies inside of you.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Pain is your friend; it is your allie. Pain reminds you to finish 
the job and get the hell home. 
Pain tells you when you have been seriously wounded. 
And you know what the best thing about pain is? 
It tells you you’re not dead yet!” – G.I Jane

The hardest struggle of all is to be something different
 from what the average man is. – Charles M Schwab

You might say something isn't proven until it's tested... 
and the same could be said for the strength and the will of a person.”
Evette Carter

One of the toughest experiences to go through is
to be someones strength while you're at your weakest.